MHACA delivers a Suicide Story Workshop in Tennant Creek

Suicide Story was delivered in Tennant Creek earlier this year.

A record number of people completed the program, with 24 people receiving certificates of attainment. Everyone who participated in this workshop found it to be worthwhile.

According to Tennant Creek based Facilitator Valda Shannon ‘It really lit my fire being at this workshop among my community. Listening to our mob getting up and sharing our stories, interacting and participating to find solutions – really ticked the box for me!’

For more information about Suicide Story please call MHACA on 8950 4600 or visit the Suicide Story web page.

If you need to talk to someone please call Lifeline on 131 144 OR Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467 OR Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800.

If you have been bereaved by suicide, you can also contact MHACA’s StandBy Response Service on 0439 842 155.

SS Tennant Creek January 2016 Photo 1

Facilitators Valda Shannon and Dorrie Wesley discuss Talking about Suicide with participants of the Suicide Story workshop.

SS Tennant Creek January 2016 Photo 2

Facilitator, Charlie Hodgson, takes participants through the Fire Activity designed to challenge participants to think about things in their lives that keep their fire strong.

SS Tennant Creek January 2016 Photo 1

At the conclusion of the 3 day Suicide Story workshop, Facilitator Dorrie Wesley participates in a Strengthening Ceremony.




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Have you heard the saying, “You are what you eat?” 🥗 Our latest animation 'Good Food Helps Good Thinking' explores how healthy eating can have a positive impact on our mental health.

This animation was created by MHACA and funded by the Northern Territory Government.

For more information on healthy food choices, try and

The animation has been translated into the Arrernte language:

If you or someone you know needs support contact:
13 Yarn 13 92 76
Lifeline 13 11 14
QLife Australia 1800 184 527

In an emergency call 000
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MHACA is listening! Share what’s working well and what could use improvement at MHACA at this feedback session on Monday 17 February from 12:30pm to 1:30pm at the Drop-in Centre.

Please note: this session is for MHACA participants only. If you, or someone you know, would like to access MHACA's mental health services email or call 8950 4600 to make an intake appointment. For people with and without a #NDIS plan.
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MHACA is listening! Share what’s working well and what could use improvement at MHACA at this feedback session on Monday 17 February from 12:30pm to 1:30pm at the Drop-in Centre. 
Please note: this session is for MHACA participants only. If you, or someone you know, would like to access MHACAs mental health services email or call 8950 4600 to make an intake appointment. For people with and without a #NDIS plan.
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