Get Support
If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health crisis or a life is in danger
- Call 000
- Go to the emergency department of the local hospital
- Contact the NT Mental Health Line on 1800 682 288 for advice from the Crisis Assessment and Support Team.
MHACA Supports
MHACA provides individual and group based supports to people living with mental illness. MHACA can also provide housing support and provides services to people with and without a NDIS plan. Read more about MHACA services.
New participants are required to attend an intake interview. Download a referral form
Please note: Whilst MHACA is not a crisis service, people can call MHACA on 8950 4600 between 8am-4pm weekdays and we can assist you to find the supports you need.
Phone and online services available 24 hours a day

Phone: 13 11 14
Lifeline text: 0477 13 11 14

Phone: 13 92 76

Beyond Blue
Phone: 1300 22 4636

Kids Helpline
Phone: 1800 55 1800

MensLine Australia
Phone: 1300 78 99 78


Phone: 1800 184 527
If you are having mental health challenges and need support
- Reach out to friends and family
- See your GP or health care clinic and discuss support options or a mental health care plan
- Call a 24 hour support service like Lifeline on 13 11 14
- Access local support services
Please note:
Whilst MHACA is not a crisis service, people can call MHACA on 8950 4600 between 8am-4pm weekdays and we can assist you to find the supports you need.
MHACA can support people with mental health challenges on their journey of recovery. New participants are required to attend an intake interview.
Download a referral form.
If you are worried about someone else having mental health challenges
- Reach out to the person and start a conversation
- Encourage them to see a GP or health care clinic to discuss support options or a mental health care plan
- Encourage them to call a 24 hour support service like Lifeline 13 11 14
- If they refuse support, keep checking in on them. If you believe they are having a mental health crisis you can call the NT Mental Health Line 1800 682 288 for advice from the Crisis Assessment and Support Team.
- In an emergency or if a life is in danger contact 000
Counselling Services in Alice Springs
Free phone counselling service for Territorians
Alice Springs 0459 160 742 (male counsellor)
Darwin 0427 102 809 (female counsellor)
Relationships Australia
Counselling and mediation services
Fee for service on a sliding scale, EAP provider
Phone 8950 4100
Catholic Care
Free counselling service
Phone 1800 899 855
Free counselling and AOD counselling services
Phone 8952 5899
A range of private providers also offer services in Alice Springs.
Find a listing of NT support services at NTCommunity