International Women’s Day

More then 400 people attended the Equal Futures International Women’s Day Event on Saturday 5 March at the Women’s Museum of Australia.

There were great speakers and performers including Kirra Voller, Katie Harder and the Splinter Sisters, information and market stalls and a Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony by Kumalie Riley. A demonstration by the Arrernte Community Boxing Academy Kungka’s Klass was a highlight.

MHACA was a member of the organising committee and held a mental health promotion stall at the event. The event was live broadcast on 8CCC Community Radio.



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MHACA will join Reclink Australia and Pickleball Alice Springs's free pickleball sessions every Thursday between 10am and 12pm at The Y Alice Springs. MHACA participants, don't forget to call MHACA on 89504600 if you would like to come.

If you, or someone you know, would like to access MHACA's group activities or mental health services, email or call 8950 4600. People with and without an NDIS plan can access MHACA services.

#mentalhealth #wellbeing #pickleball
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MHACA will join Reclink Australia and Pickleball Alice Springss free pickleball sessions every Thursday between 10am and 12pm at The Y Alice Springs. MHACA participants, dont forget to call MHACA on 89504600 if you would like to come.
If you, or someone you know, would like to access MHACAs group activities or mental health services, email or call 8950 4600. People with and without an NDIS plan can access MHACA services.
#mentalhealth #wellbeing #pickleball

We're reaching out to our Blue Knot Community, particularly those that have utilised our Blue Knot Helpline for counselling and support. If you've contacted our Helpline at any time since 2020 we'd greatly appreciate you sharing your experience with us. Your feedback is valuable and supports us in providing the best service we can. This is the last chance before the survey closes on 2 May to share your thoughts. Find out more: ... See MoreSee Less

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