Ending the Stigma of Mental Health Illnesses.

What happens when you are first diagnosed with a mental health illness and how do you manage the stigma?

It is also probable that you will get stuck finding a way of talking to people about it.  Now that your health professional has said you are suffering from a diagnosed mental health illness; you may feel both a relief and concern. You may well find an immediate sense that something feels ‘different’, but everything is still the same.

Is it my mental health?

How is the diagnosis going to impact on you and the people who love you? What parts of your diagnosis do you want to discuss with family and friends? How and what do you tell other people?

This is a short video of people discussing how a mental health diagnosis has impacted on them or their family member. What happened to their confidence and how they continued to function in society; and how they decided make a difference by opening up the conversations about mental health.

As a result: we all need to keep this conversation going!



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Go rainbow against discrimination 🌈🌈🌈

International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia and Transphobia Discrimination (IDAHOBIT) is this Friday 17 May. Join the free community event at the Todd Mall Lawns between 10am -12pm. Everybody is welcome!

MHACA acknowledges that discrimination can have a significant impact on mental health, and we support the right to safe, accessible and culturally appropriate services. To find out more about IDAHOBIT, visit idahobit.org.au

#idahobit2024 #Pride #SupportingDiversity
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Go rainbow against discrimination 🌈🌈🌈
International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia and Transphobia Discrimination (IDAHOBIT) is this Friday 17 May. Join the free community event at the Todd Mall Lawns between 10am -12pm. Everybody is welcome!
MHACA acknowledges that discrimination can have a significant impact on mental health, and we support the right to safe, accessible and culturally appropriate services. To find out more about IDAHOBIT, visit idahobit.org.au
#IDAHOBIT2024 #Pride #SupportingDiversity
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